Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So today started out of a rough note. I had to go and get my visa extended which was a process in itslef finding this police station bc it's literally down this sketch alley and there is no other sign saying it's a police station then one little sign down the alley.

Well we get there and the lady says my pictures are too small so I have to get other pictures and a photocopy of some paperwork. BCA made my packet of stuff so I had no idea what was in it. Oh well it's okay.

Then bc we were at the police station I had to miss class but I will get notes and make it up so it's okay.

Then the day started to turn around, Marie and I went shopping adn I found some really cute stores I want to go back to but I bought some cheap shirts. It was the Forever 21 of Spain and I love it.

THen I came home and ate my bocidillios (sandwiches with hard bread ) and putzed around for a while.

Then I met Kevin, Caitilin and Mike to play soccer for a little. Those two seasons of Perrysburg soccer realllly paid off. haha

We played in this park that was not really a park more like gravel and some play stuff for kids. We made do. We also named it the Kitty Litter Field and we plan on going back.

THere is a HUGE festivel (Merce) this weekend where a bunch of bands (Im going ot see the Hives) fireworks, movies in the park and they do that thing where people stand on top of eachother and stack themsleves really high. You know what I am talking about? Well I will post pictures.

Day ended better than it started

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